Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Bringin' that Fayettetrille flavor to Seoul

     Hello my loves.  Life's been quite eventful lately.  My public service job is taxing on the mind and the soul.  If you like doing nothing all day and meaningless work, let's trade spots.  You're thinking, oh shit, doing nothing sounds awesome, I wish that was my job.  NO YOU DON'T.  It's enough to drive someone crazy.  The monotony, lack of intellectual stimulus, and just the prospect of having to do the same, lackluster job for 2 years is frustrating.  I make do with what I've got though, through reading and trolling around on Reddit, a portion of my sanity is salvaged.  A couple weeks ago, we had to attend mandatory lectures given by the National Man Power Administration.  What's funny is that most of the lecturers were fairly attractive (good guy government, if you don't get the reference, you should Reddit =P).  From 9 am to 5 pm we were force fed things we already knew ranging from manners/etiquette to the dangers of dating crazy girls (why this was pertinent is beyond me).  There was also the expected "love thy nation" and military lecturing going on but all in all, they were basically telling us not to act like hooligans during our service but rather conduct ourselves in a manner that is befitting of a Korean man in the "military."  My "pod" mates during the week have been really cool and I actually befriended all of them rather quickly.  I find it funny that I'm treated like an object of splendor when people find out that I've lived in the states for as long as I did and that I can speak English lol.  It gets old fast though, when people constantly ask you where you're from, when you left, blah blah blah, the obligatory "oh damn, you're not from here? Cool" questions.
     Weather here in Seoul completely vaulted over spring and went straight into summer.  In celebration, I of course, had to break out the good ol' Rainbow flip flops.  This particular pair I've worn for at least 2 years I think and they're still going strong.  I recently moved downstairs from my grandma's house to a little apartment/house thingy.  My own separate haven, full of privacy.  I can sing and play guitar as loud as I want to without thinking about anyone else.  I can listen to music, play games, anything I want.
     WinCraig is coming here to stay for a month from June to July.  I'm excited to introduce him to my friends here as they have never really interacted with a full on foreigner before (I don't count apparently, I'm Korean  -_-).  The only unfortunate thing is that I'll be working while he's here, but I don't think it'll be too much of a problem.  Finally, someone who will go busking in the subway with me on my day off.  I know I've been slacking on the pictures lately but I promise I'll post some soon.
     Most days I feel like a beat up rag doll that's been trampled on by a stampede but I don't have the option of quitting.  I may bitch and whine to my parents about not wanting to go to work or my service but I do it anyway, always on time, with a damn smile.  I've gradually ringed the bitch out of my system to the point where there is only a remnant of bitch-ness.  I'm almost bitch free.  I can feel that it's close.  It'll soon be a relic of days past.  I will be.  Bitch. Free.
     Other than that, it's business as usual here in the future.  You know what's crazy?  Sometimes I entertain the thought of actually living here.  Most of the schooling is in English, including tests and what not.  The companies here are all international in some way so there would be opportunities to work in those places.  I just don't know if I'd pick living here over the states.  I still find that my cultural background clashes a lot with Korean society and although I acknowledge the culture here, I secretly loathe it.  The biggest thing that is apparent is the lust for wealth and material things.  Sure, I'd like to have the nice things that come with being a successful person, but I don't see it as something that I can't live without.  Even if I do make a lot of money, I'm still going to conduct myself as a laid back, Fayetteville hippie.  While most people my age are dressed to the nines, I'm perfectly content with walking around in shorts and my Fayettechill tee, haha.  I do dress nicely when there is an occasion to go out or what not, but I don't see a point in going through the trouble when there isn't an occasion to put the effort in.  Maybe that's my laziness talking. Aside from these inconsequential first world problems, I'm getting on just fine.  I've met a lot of chill, genuine people and my life here has been enriched because of them.
     Not much else has been going on.  I'm coming back in the fall to Fayetteville for a quick visit using my vacation days so await my glorious return!  Until then, love and miss y'all.