Saturday, November 26, 2011

Oh, the holidays

     Since my head is all over the place these days, I mistakenly thought that the Thanksgiving lunch I signed up to go to was on Sunday when in fact it was on Saturday.  Damn, Life-1 John-0.  To add insult to injury, all my Craigs are back home for the holidays and instead of going out with them, I'm by myself in this damn coffee shop again.  Maybe I should stop using the internet and seeing whatever everyone else is doing, maybe that'll help with me wanting to be back home for the holidays.  Probably not.  Technology-1 John-0.  As I have found out, it's kind of hard trying to make friends at my age here unless you're introduced by someone.  Thankfully I have my extended family to break the monotonous routine I've developed here but I need some social interaction.  I'm not much of a club guy, in fact I don't really like going to clubs.  I'd rather sit down with people and have beers.  Good luck with that John, most places here are clubs.  Korea-1 John-0.  Do you see a trend here?  I'd love to be in Brewskis or Smoke & Barrel right about now.
     If anyone's wanting to come see me, July is the month to come and here's why.  I met a German pastor through one of my aunts.  He's going to be back in Germany to visit his family in July and offered to let me use his house for the entire month and said it was ok if I had company over.  The government provided the house so it's nice and spacious with multiple levels and it's in one of the busy districts in Seoul so it's really close to a lot of places that people my age enjoy going to.  It also happens to be one of the areas that is densely populated by foreigners.  So yes, come visit your favorite Gyopo (Korean foreigner) in Korea and you'll have free housing in July.
     Aside from my complaining about being bored and lonely, it's really not that bad.  I'm enjoying taking the subway and wandering around the city, headphones blasting.  It would just be nice if I could have someone to share it with.  I started working out since my military stuff is resolved so that should help pass the time.  Work at the hagwon has picked up this next month since all the kids are out for winter break.  Instead of playing and enjoying their break, kids here study over the break.  WTF.  Whatever, it's more money for me.  12 hour days, here I come.  I was offered another part-time position, which will be my 3rd job.  I reluctantly accepted and was before I knew that I was going to be working all day at the hagwon.  I'm thinking about calling and backing out.  Although it's nice to work and the money isn't bad either, I'll be working 6 days/week.  I didn't come to Korea to work, I came back to make a little money before I start my military duty, in addition to soaking in my surroundings.  Would it be shady for me to back out after I took the job already?  I haven't had a problem finding a job thus far due to my Engrish skrillz but because of my personality I consider other people's needs before mine.  I've been told that I need to change that train of thinking because people here are a little more selfish.  Some people have even gone as far as to call me naive lol.  Screw it, I'm quitting.  Another thing, I feel like I'm wasting my engineering degree just sitting here for 2 years and not being able to practice anything.  To be honest, if you gave me a chemical engineering problem right now to solve, I guarantee you I won't be able to solve it.  Well, not really, but you get the idea.  I need something that's more intellectually stimulating, teaching English is almost mindless work for me.  I've been keeping up with advances in the field that I'll be pursuing when I get back to the states, but man, guess I need another hobby?  I might post on a forum or craigslist looking for musicians to play with.  Fun, right?  Let's hope it works.
    The subways here are pretty interesting.  Some days I find myself falling in love multiple times within minutes just from the sheer amount of pretty girls here.  That's pretty shallow, I know, but can you blame me?  You have to be here to believe it.  Aside from pretty girls, there are really loud foreigners that make scenes, people stinking of garlic or kimchi, and old people that just fart indiscriminately.  Man, I can't wait to be old so I can fart whenever I wanted.  I digress.  I've lost sight of what I wanted to say in this post.  I fail.  Blog-1 John-0  I like kimchi? -_-
    Oh yeah, the title of this post is the holidays.  Blog-2 John-0.  Dad is going back to Arkansas sometime near Christmas time so that leaves me with my grandparents here.  Boo.  I would come back with him but I can't since I've committed to the military duty already.  They'll think I'm trying to avoid duty by leaving the country so it's impossible for me to leave now.  FML.  Hopefully I get my vacation days soon after I start my government work.  When it happens, plan on seeing this beautiful, Korean man back in the states, OK?  Miss and love y'all, stay lovely.
~JK outskis

P.S. Thank you for putting up with my bitchassness, it is appreciated ^_^


  1. I am teaching some Korean women now. They talk about Kimchi all the time! Haha.

  2. Miss you! Love our night time, your day time chats... I need an address btw so get it to me.
